The project was presented during the workshop “Eco Innovation for reduced production and use of hazardous chemicals”. It was organized within the “LIFE Platform Meeting on Chemicals”, held in Vilnius (Lithuania) on from 27 to 29 November 2019.
The aim of the workshop was to identify how the use and emissions of substances of concern can be reduced in different areas thus contributing to a non-toxic environment and circular economy (e.g. industrial processes, agriculture, waste and waste waterwastewater management, resource efficiency).
This meeting gave Italmatch and its partners the chance opportunity to present the final results obtained during the Project. She described a process of renewal in innovation, which has led to a successful route, starting from a local point of view to reach a global perspective on sustainable chemical industry.
During the event, the Layman’s Report and the final brochure were distributed. Moreover, the team joined tables with other private companies, crucial for the discussion about potential measure improvement in Chemicals Management.
In particular, it was highlighted that results obtained during the LIFE-Trialkyl project contributed to the European discussion on the definition of KPIs in industrial chemistry, in order to reach a circular and sustainable economy in environmental high risk areas.
Download the LIFE Platform Meeting on Chemicals Guide Event
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